Here is how you do it. Find seven sets of rhymes based on your hands.
Two rhymes for pinks (or fingertips)
Thinks/Winks, Drinks/Stinks, Ships/Trips Flips/Dips
Two rhymes for rings (or ring-finger)
Sings/Swings Wings/Brings Linger/Anger Kings/Things
Two rhymes for middle (or center)
Little/Fiddle Mentor/Centaur Letter/Better Whittle/Riddle
Two rhymes for pointer (or index)
Banter/Ranter Next/Text Hexed/Vexed
Two rhymes for Thumbs
Numb/Dumb Some/Come Hum/Strum From/Sum
Since we are sitting down, two rhymes for knee (or knees)
We/See Be/Flee Trees/Breeze Sneeze/Wheeze
Lastly two rhymes for eye (or eyes)
Why/Lie Try/Die Surprise/Wise Eyes/Thighs
Okay now we start each line with the words "Iamb" (EYE-amb) except we say something different that has two beats like Iamb, first hard and then soft.
We count this word on our pinky finger and each following two beats on the rest of our fingers going "tip-gully-tip-gully" like so:
EYE - amb EYE - amb EYE - amb EYE - amb EYE SHIPS
or for example
I roam the docks and seek you on the SHIPS

and then:
A - mid salt- y mists your fra- grance LING- ERS

If you have trouble fitting in the beats, often adding "just" or "some" or taking out or adding "a", "the" or "and" which will straighten it out. Above Salty is backwards
A - mid the salt- y mists your scent LING- ERS
The rhymes go:
One hand - Pinks | One hand – Mids | One hand thumbs | ||
One hand - Rings | One hand – Index | One hand knees | ||
One hand - Pinks | One hand – Mids | One hand thumbs | ||
One hand - Rings | One hand – Index | One hand knees | ||
13th line | – Eyes | Last line | – Eyes |
Follow this "rule of hand" and you will find you have made a sonnet! Lines can also go down up, just start "off" the pinky and finish "on" the thumb instead of beyond it.
Have fun!